Memory, Prophecy and Fantasy Volume Three (PC Copy, damaged)

Phil & Sarah Stokes: MPF Volume 3 - Clive Barker (Copy)
Clive Barker - Frankenstein in Love (Copy)
Clive Barker - Paradise Street (Copy)
Phil & Sarah Stokes: MPF Volume 3 - Clive Barker (Copy)
Clive Barker - Frankenstein in Love (Copy)
Clive Barker - Paradise Street (Copy)

Memory, Prophecy and Fantasy Volume Three (PC Copy, damaged)


Masquerades - volume three of the Memory, Prophecy and Fantasy series exploring the works and worlds of Clive Barker. PC copy

By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 2014

Hardback copy, unnumbered, marked ‘PC’.

Important note - these copies of MPF3 have a bumped corner, surface damage to cover or other cosmetic flaw (see images) from a damaged printer’s crate, and have been marked as PC copies, but are otherwise new.

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1981 - 1982

Including almost 150 photographs, sketches and posters - the vast majority never before published and many in full colour - this volume covers:
Staged plays: Paradise Street, Frankenstein in Love and The Secret Life of Cartoons.
Unstaged plays: The Autobiography of a Flea, Bad Blood, Love's Body, Men and Women, Jazz, The Threeflies Comedy and others.
Film projects: The Beardless Vase and Other Biographies, Cock Robin, Meet Me at the Blue Orchid and others.
Written work: Poetry and the Books of Blood.

I sobbed my heart out because there were so many things in there that I hadn’t thought of before. Amazing. Breath-taking. And you have captured, or quoted, or found things I just would not have remembered in my life, you know? I think in some ways I was crying for a life that I’d forgotten. You know, my thoughts, and meanings: you are the keepers of those.
— Clive Barker